
Annual awards for articles and best 2017 media reports addressing the topic of child protection and child rights in Kosovo

19 Dhjetor, 2017

Today, the best 2017 media articles and reports that dealt with the topic of child protection and child rights in Kosovo were awarded within the framework of projects supported by the European Union and managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo .

The projects are implemented by Kosova Education Center (KEC) in partnership with forumZFD – Kosovo Program and KOMF.


Present were representatives from the EU Office in Kosovo, the Ombudsperson, Non-governmental Organizations and the Media.

The winners are: Agan Hajdarhoxha – Klan Kosova; Dafina Halili – Kosovo 2.0; Edona Kutleshi – Koha Ditore; Vullnet Krasniqi – Insajderi; Saranda Bujupi Rama – emisioni Familja Ime, Klan Kosova.

