The World Bank funded School Grant Pilot Project started in July 2002 in order to help communities achieve full continuity, reduce the number of dropouts, increase school attendance and increase the continuation of secondary school education. THE KC was contracted by UNMIK (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) to provide technical assistance for the implementation of the GPPG.
The main activities developed within the project were:
- Preparation of the methodology and manual of training (completed in August 2002);
- Preparation of application forms (completed in August 2002);
- Preparation of the guidelines for evaluation (completed in August 2002);
- Preparation of procedures for the Evaluation Board and for the Regional Field Team (completed in September 2002);
- Employment and training of regional field teams in two regions: Pristina and Gjakova (completed in August 2002);
- Holding information campaigns in the regions in order to inform relevant stakeholders about the SGGS (completed in September 2002);
- Selection of 22 schools for participation in PGSH (completed in September 2002);
- Training of elected school representatives and municipal education officials for the school development plan and drafting of proposals (completed in September 2002);
- Providing assistance to selected schools for developing school plans and project proposals (completed in November 2002);
- Submitting 22 proposals to the Board of Evaluation (December 2002);
- Decision of the Board of Evaluation on the financing of 10 school projects (December 2002);
Implementation period16/07/2002 to 31/03/2003
PersonnelDukagjin Pupovci
Donors and Partners
World Bank