The main objectives of the project were:
- Raise awareness of schools on issues related to children’s rights;
- Build a positive image of children
- Reduce intolerance among children and teachers;
- To determine forms of peer violence and raise awareness among children and teachers.
Monitoring and evaluation activities of this project were carried out in 10 primary schools, which were ready to participate in the project and 3 teachers from each school were involved in the trainings. They are expected to distribute knowledge and skills learned among other colleagues. A local coordinator for each of the participating schools was appointed among psychology graduates, who, in the meantime formed the new organization – Foundation Together Kosova. The project had a “pyramidal structure”. Initially, 30 seminars for teachers were organized in cooperation with together Slovenia Foundation. Each workshop was followed by its own phase of the project, with specific goals and tasks. After the seminars teachers were forced to train their other colleagues with the help of the local coordinator. The coordinator works with schools, providing them with support and empowerment when needed. The coordinator is supervised by professionals from together Slovenia Foundation. Key results:
- A work manual was prepared and distributed in schools to participants;
- Two seminars were successfully held;
- The school program was developed and implemented.
Implementation period01/02/2009 to 31/12/2009
PersonnelArdita Kabashi
Donors and Partners
Foundation Together Slovenia