The main objective of the project was to contribute to the construction of safe environments in Kosovo’s schools. The project is divided into two main components. The advocacy component related to 1& 2 results and consists of various awareness activities, including conferences, promotional activities, and information sharing. In its training component, the project focused on 300 teachers who would gain the power to facilitate the creation of safe environments in their institutions. The main activities of the project were:

Awareness activities:

  • Organizing round tables, debates, and a national right;
  • Distribution of educational materials for safe schools;
  • Organizing school-based promotional activities.

Network for promoting safe schools

  • Work with school committees on safety.
  • Developing a manual for school committees,
  • Establishing municipal committees for school safety.

Development of the training program

  • Developing the safe school concept in a participatory manner,
  • Development of the training program for trainers,
  • Development of training programme for teachers.

Capacity for creating safe school environments

  • Providing a 5-day training program for 30 trainers,
  • Providing a 2-day programme for 300 teachers and monitoring.

Key results:

  1. Improved awareness on the role and importance of creating safe, non-violent and humane environments in educational institutions.
  2. A safer, sustainable and robust network was built for promoting and implementing a school concept.
  3. The training program for building and strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the idea of safe schools was developed.
  4. Capacities were built to implement and promote a safe, nonviolent and friendly school environment.
  • Implementation period
    01/09/2008 to 31/08/2009
  • Personnel
    Halim Hyseni
  • Donors and Partners


  • Research