Overall objective: The project aims to improve the outcomes of early childhood development and the follow-up of education by Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children aged 4-6 and 6-8 from six neighbourhoods of the Municipality of Prizren, working with two schools in two locations; improving parenting skills; strengthening the bond between parents and preschool and school institutions; expanding access to integrated ZHH services and increasing the quality of teaching and learning. Target group: Direct beneficiaries will be Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children aged 4-6 and 6-8 from the neighbourhoods: Edit Durham, Janine, Geladin Hana, Bazhdarane, Jenimahall, Qyrtmahall. Components and activities:
- Component 1: Improve access to key ZHH services
- Activity 1.1: Addressing financial barriers and attending school
- Activity 1.2: Facilitating access, enrollment and scope of children at preschool level through identification, recruitment and training of school intermediaries.
- Component 2: Improving the quality of ZHF Services
- Activity 2.1: Toy libraries covering 6 locations
- Activity 2.2: Empowering preschool and pre-school services (raising the capacity of educators to provide education with children in the center) Activity 2.3. Continuous Child Development Measurement (IDELA)
- Component 3: Expanding access to quality primary education
- Activity 3.1: Information and registration for primary education of grades 1 and 2, including returning children
- Activity 3.2: Support for children enrolled in primary school and developmental tracking, as well as preparation of individual plans
- Activity 3.3: Working with volunteers
- Component 4: Improving parenting skills and practices for parents from communities
- Activity 4.1: Literacy training for mothers from communities (adapting the “Your Story” approach, in respected localities)
- Activity 4.2: Home-School-Community Link
- Activity 4.3: Primary School Platform from Municipality of Prizren
Implementation period01/12/2018 to 30/09/2021
PersonnelSofije Toska
Donors and Partners
Roma Education Fund (REF)