New methods of entrepreneurship are practice-oriented methods aimed at supporting the skills of teachers who teach entrepreneurship and economics.
This course is included in the vocational schools of Kosovo and besides theoretical teaching is aimed at practical learning.
Main achievements of the Project:
Trainings – Successfully conducted by three training groups in three regions in Kosovo including the first training module, with two training days. Trainings were held in Pristina, Prizren and Peja but the participation was from teachers from different municipalities. The number of participants reaches about 68 teachers who have been trained, of which 37 women and 31 men.
Monitoring – In all the centers where the trainings were held, the monitoring has been continuous. The participation of the candidates has been at the right level and the evaluations of the candidates in the training have been continuously followed with the aim of eventually improving any requests made by the teachers.
Certification – After organizing three training modules, teachers will be certified with certificates for participation for each module. The form of the certificate is determined by Kultur Contact. Certificates are given to participating teachers after completing the third module.
Implementation period01/09/2014 to 28/02/2015
PersonnelArdita Kabashi
Donors and Partners
KulturKontakt - Austria