This project aimed to raise citizens’ awareness of corruption and ways of combating it by building the capacities of teachers for education on anti-corruption issues, and providing a model for anti-corruption mechanisms in educational institutions. The project has started anti-corruption activities within the education system in Kosovo, contributing to the promotion of active citizenship in Kosovo.

The main results were:

  • Creating high-quality anti-corruption resources for teachers.

KEC in cooperation with the International Consortium of MLS has prepared a manual of the teacher training program. The manual has helped teachers to expand their understanding of anti-corruption education beyond training.

  • Capacity building for education on anti-corruption issues

KEC has organized two 3-day anti-corruption training sessions for 30 teachers. The most successful participants have been certified and offered an opportunity to hold trainings for 210 teachers from 7 regions of Kosovo.

  • Raising youth awareness on the causes and consequences of corruption through an anti-corruption campaign.

Teachers organized the week against corruption in their schools, in cooperation with their students. During that week, many activities took place that promoted ideas to fight corruption.

  • Anti-corruption mechanisms have been established in educational institutions.

KEC has established 5 anti-corruption councils within 5 educational institutions, mainly in those from where the most successful candidates come from. These councils cooperate with the management of education institutions and the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency.

  • Implementation period
    01/01/2005 to 31/03/2007
  • Personnel
    Melinda Mula
  • Donors and Partners

    Balkan Trust Democracy (BTC)

  • Research